
It’s All Okay

Some days you feel weaker than others and that’s okay. Some days anger rises to the surface and that’s okay. Some days you don’t want to be a mother and that’s okay. Some days the only place you want to be is curled up in your bed, with your comfy pajamas and Netflix, and that’s okay. Some days your smile doesn’t reach your eyes and that’s okay.

It’s okay to not be okay sometimes, it’s just not okay to stay in that space. 

It’s okay to call a friend. It’s okay to journal your feelings. It’s okay to go sit by the water and release your tears. In fact, it’s MORE than okay to cry. It’s okay to go on long walks and contemplate the meaning of life. It’s okay to find a therapist that you trust to help get you over the hump. It’s okay to have Jesus AND therapy. It’s okay to go on long drives and play your music loudly. It’s okay to put yourself first, to be selfish with your time, and to set boundaries. 

Yes, it’s okay.

It’s okay to not have it all…yet. It’s okay to start over…again. It’s okay to go back to school…late in life. It’s okay to start that business even though you don’t have any of the answers…or the money. It’s okay to write that book even though you don’t have an agent. It’s okay to take that small vacation even though your account looks slim. 

All of it is okay.

Because every situation, every experience, every moment of your life was predestined to push you into your Destiny. Read that again. YOUR Destiny. Stop looking at what other people have, what you don’t have, what you wish you had, and what you think you’ll never get. Their journey is unique to them, only YOU can walk your path. So stop fighting it. Stop resisting the steps. Stop looking behind you and concentrate on what’s to come. 

I may not be able to tell you everything that’s coming, but I can tell you that






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